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Something I've been working on

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Something I've been working on Empty Something I've been working on

Post by S W Dickson Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:59 pm

Okay, so I like D6 - everyone's got them. I kept on writing tables for development using simple 4+ style mechanics, and finding it impossible to gain the "depth" I was looking for - as we all know, I like it simple.

But then, it dawns on me - why not D10? Cos they're intrinsically sucky at rolling not to mention finding, that's why.

So I thought I'd see about the 2D6 thing. If you've got one, you've got two. Right? Yep. Scores out of twelve?

So why not D12 - see answer about D10!

So 2D6. And I got to thinking about RPGs, and statistic rolls. And versus statistic rolls, and thought - That's not bad.

Theory goes if you are scored out of 12 (okay 10 or 11 at most) - If some guy is good at shooting, he'd be ranged 9, and a sucky guy would be ranged 3, a decidedly average guy would be 6, yeah? Roll equal to or under your skill on your 2D6, and hey prestige! You have a hit!

But how does that work in combat? Easy. Versus rolls is whoever passes test but still higher number. A great guy of Combat skill 9 will find it easier to pass the test, yes? But a lucky punk may score a 5 and pass, still giving the advantage to the kickass fella, but still giving the wee guy a fighting chance.

So what about all the other stuff? Well, damaging is based on a Strength vs Defence thing - with armour being taken into account as a + modifier to the defender - much as the attacker will have negaters for such things. Cover will make it harder to hit a model, but once it's hit, it's hit - damage roll.

So, how about turn structure? Well, I was toying with activation stuff for smaller scales like 10mm when I was thinking about the overall effect of each model, but then realised that the MOVE SHOOT FIGHT IGO UGO model was, well, frankly, rubbish. And it is absolutely no fun. But its a convention for a reason - it's easy to remember! So, keep or trash it? For sakes of experimentation, I trashed it and went for a "Action Points" concept. You have your "Action Phase" which you can move and shoot in, and complete more complex tasks, and then the fighting occurs. The enemy doesn't just stand around either, they will react to each and any action you take - up to a given limit. This is just so you get the idea here, so won't fill to much details - needless to say "MOVE" "SHOOT" are two single actions for your model, and they can complete up to two single actions per turn. More complex actions, such as "REPAIR", "DEFEND" and such can take two actions and therefore will mean staying still.

Morale is based on your small skirmish force - the hero dies then you'd better have a backup plan!

Most weaponry will either be long range and have it's own strength, range, armour penetration and stability modifiers (-ranged skill) - as well as some being unable to shoot whilst moving. Extra shots would be extra cool.

Close combat weapons will modify the users strength, as well as possibly adding unique abilities to the attack. I don't see many models gaining extra attacks, but I'm sure Ninjas and such may well.

Damage is in three stages. And I hate to say, I may have to have a table. But it is pseudo RPG so that's allowed, eh? Anyway, most models have 1 damage point, but instead of "dying" they fall over, unconscious, KO'd, and they may be able to be brought back alive if the enemy is not so vindictive as to stamp on their head - may even make it "injured" and enable them to limp to safety and fire the odd random shot (half their stats or something).

Anyways, that's my thoughts on that.
S W Dickson
S W Dickson

Posts : 228
Join date : 2009-12-06
Age : 46
Location : Terra Incognita


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Something I've been working on Empty Re: Something I've been working on

Post by S W Dickson Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:34 pm

Oh yeah, just as a resource, I thought I'd share the binomial probabilities associated with 2D6 results (based on rolling equal or under for a test)

2 - 2.78%
3 - 8.33%
4 - 16.67%
5 - 27.78%
6 - 41.67%
7 - 58.33%
8 - 72.22%
9 - 83.33%
10 - 91.67%
11 - 97.22%

If you can't work out what chance you have of rolling equal to or under 1 or twelve on two D6 added together, I will be worried.

Average trained soldier can hit a third of targets, so they'd be at about Ranged Skill 5 for arguments sake - that's the base level requirement anyway. A seasoned soldier will take it up to halfway - but all this is fairly statistical nonsense when put into a combat situation and the amount of shots fired without accuracy can increase in the heat of things. So I quite fancy a "cool" factor - or test to see of the model gets pinned by random shots or takes his time slowly and surely to line up a great shot - may be more suited to a more modern warfare based game. Anyway, I was just posting about Binomial Probabilities really.
S W Dickson
S W Dickson

Posts : 228
Join date : 2009-12-06
Age : 46
Location : Terra Incognita


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Something I've been working on Empty Re: Something I've been working on

Post by S W Dickson Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:56 pm

I know, what are the binomial probabilities for versus tests? Well, that's a big table and a lot more maths than I'm really wanting to do. But suffice to say, if a model with a Fight of 8 has a 72% chance of rolling up to their skill, against an opponent with a Fight of 5 they have a (probability of losing + probability of opponent scoring more than them) 44% probability of losing the fight. Compared with the lesser fella - who starts with a probability of 72% failure, but adding to his woes, the probability of the opponent scoring less than him being 16% - that's a woeful 88% chance of failure. Shouldn't have picked that fight then.

Of course, this means combat can be very long and drawn out when looked at like this - however, I'm sure if you were to look at the probabilities in many other games, the results would be similar. And there won't be many people hoping to win a fight with a rubbish grunt versus a Vampire or something. I also like how this may make shooting nasty but strategic - using cover to the best of advantages etc.

(I think my math's okay on that - If any mistakes please accept apologies)
S W Dickson
S W Dickson

Posts : 228
Join date : 2009-12-06
Age : 46
Location : Terra Incognita


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